Manufacture electrical vehicles with coefficient of drag as less as 0.12 and get up to 50% higher efficiency, without compromising performance, by adapting our lower drag, turbulence free aerodynamic design. Otherwise improve it even more by implementing our recommended design changes in powertrain and aerodynamics together.
Generate up to twice amount of electricity from renewable energy driven power plants, using our technology and process, with zero affect on local ecosystem, that too with record delivery timeframe.
Use our direct drivetrain technology specially designed for largest existing ships and improve their efficiency as well as speed by atleast 20% with no major changes in them, in same amount of fuel or energy.
Benefit from our unparalleled highest endurance drone designs than competitor drones, depending on payload capacity, that too powered only by renewable energy.
No technology can extract as much power from tides as our technology can. And did we mention our propellers and power plants are aqua life friendly, which means zero carbon footprint and no lives harmed or affected in any way?